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Creating a basic TileEntity class

Before registering the material, you need to create a TileEntity class with a constructor that takes a NovaTileEntityState instance. We will reference this constructor in the registerTileEntity function later.

class SolarPanel(blockState: NovaTileEntityState) : NetworkedTileEntity(blockState) {

    override val gui: Lazy<TileEntityGUI>
        get() = TODO("We'll implement this later")


Don't worry about the gui property or NetworkedTileEntity yet. Now we can finally register the material.

val SOLAR_PANEL = registerTileEntity(ExampleAddon, "solar_panel", STONE, ::SolarPanel)

So your Blocks object might look something like this:

object Blocks {

    private val STONE = BlockOptions(3.0, ToolCategory.PICKAXE, ToolLevel.STONE, true, Material.BARRIER, SoundEffect(Sound.BLOCK_STONE_PLACE), SoundEffect(Sound.BLOCK_STONE_BREAK), Material.NETHERITE_BLOCK)

    val SOLAR_PANEL = registerTileEntity(ExampleAddon, "solar_panel", STONE, ::SolarPanel)

    fun init() = Unit



A default TileEntity can't be connected to networks, but a NetworkedTileEntity can. So if your TileEntity should be able to properly interact with surrounding blocks and cables, use NetworkedTileEntity.

Overriding commonly needed functions


Some of these functions are only available via the NetworkedTileEntity class.


This function is called every tick in the server thread.

override fun handleTick() {
    // Called every tick


This function is called every tick asynchronously.

override fun handleAsyncTick() {
    // Called every tick

handleInitialized(first: Boolean)

Called when the TileEntity is loaded/placed. The first parameter is true when the TileEntity is first loaded meaning it has just been placed. Make sure to call the superclass's function.

override fun handleInitialized(first: Boolean) {
    // Called when the TileEntity is loaded/placed

handleRemoved(unload: Boolean)

Called after the TileEntity has been removed from the TileEntityManager's TileEntity map because it either got unloaded or destroyed. The unload parameter is true when the TileEntity was removed because the chunk was unloaded. Make sure to call the superclass's function.

override fun handleRemoved(unload: Boolean) {
    // Called when the TileEntity is unloaded/broken

handleRightClick(ctx: BlockInteractContext): Boolean

This function is called when a player right-clicks the block. The return value determines whether any action was performed. Make sure to call the superclass's function.

override fun handleRightClick(ctx: BlockInteractContext): Boolean {
    actionPerformed = super.handleRightClick(ctx)
    // Called when a player right-clicks the block
    return actionPerformed // || ...


This function is called when a TileEntity's upgrades are changed or when the config is reloaded. Make sure to call the superclass's function

override fun reload() {
    // do your own reloading here

getDrops(includeSelf: Boolean): MutableList<ItemStack>

Override this function if you need to add additional drops. You can ignore the includeSelf parameter as it is only needed by the superclass's function.

override fun getDrops(includeSelf: Boolean): MutableList<ItemStack> {
    val list = super.getDrops(includeSelf)
    // add your own drops here
    return list


Use this function to save any additional data your TileEntity might have. You can store the data via storeData which will serialize the data via CBF. Make sure to call the superclass's function. Read the TileEntity Data Page for more information.

override fun saveData() {
    // save your data here
    // e.g. storeData("pressTime", timeLeft)

Other useful functions

  • getInventory() - See ItemHolders.
  • getFluidContainer() - See FluidHolders.
  • createPacketTask() - Repeatedly sends the same packets to all players in range. See Particles.
  • createSideConfig(), createExclusiveSideConfig() - See Holders.
  • getBlockFrontRegion(), getFrontRegion(), getSurroundingRegion() - See Region
  • createStaticRegion(), getDynamicRegion(), getUpgradableRegion() - See Reloadable Region
  • playSoundEffect() - Plays a sound effect to all TileEntity viewers.
  • getViewers() - Returns a list of all players that the TileEntity is visible to.