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TileEntity GUI

Check out the InvUI wiki

If you're not familiar with the InvUI library, you'll have to trouble understanding the following guide. You can check out the wiki here. Nova registers some default ingredients which can be used in the GUIBuilder. You can check out the default ingredients here. Don't register your own global ingredients!

As you probably noticed, the TileEntity needs a Lazy<TileEntityGUI> property. It's lazy to save performance and only load a GUI when needed. To create a new GUI, you need to create an inner class that extends TileEntityGUI. In this class override the gui property and set it to the GUI you want to display. For now, let's create a GUI with a single energy bar.

inner class SolarPanelGUI : TileEntityGUI() {

    override val gui: GUI = GUIBuilder(GUIType.NORMAL)
            "1 - - - - - - - 2",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "3 - - - - - - - 4")
        .addIngredient('e', EnergyBar(3, energyHolder)) // (1)!

  1. The energyHolder will be explained in an upcoming section.

Now we can properly set the gui property inside the TileEntity class.

override val gui = lazy(::SolarPanelGUI)

Side Config GUI

If you want to allow players to change the side configuration of your TileEntity through the GUI, you can use the built-in SideConfigGUI.

SideConfigGUI Constructor
class SideConfigGUI(
    endPoint: NetworkEndPoint, // (1)!
    inventoryNames: List<Pair<NetworkedInventory, String>>? = null, // (2)!
    fluidContainerNames: List<Pair<FluidContainer, String>>? = null, // (3)!
    openPrevious: (Player) -> Unit // (4)!
  1. Your TileEntity
  2. A list of NetworkedInventory to inventory name (localized) pairs. The NetworkedInventory instance can be obtained from the VirtualInventory by calling NovaItemHolder#getNetworkedInventory
  3. A list of FluidContainer to container name (localized) pairs.
  4. A method to open the previous GUI. In a TileEntityGUI, this can reference ::openWindow

Depending on the network types of your TileEntity, the SideConfigGUI will adjust accordingly.

The UI item for opening the side config gui is called OpenSideConfigItem and just takes the SideConfigGUI as parameter.

inner class SolarPanelGUI : TileEntityGUI() {

    private val sideConfigGUI = SideConfigGUI(

    override val gui: GUI = GUIBuilder(GUIType.NORMAL)
            "1 - - - - - - - 2",
            "| s # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "3 - - - - - - - 4")
        .addIngredient('e', EnergyBar(3, energyHolder))
        .addIngredient('s', OpenSideConfigItem(sideConfigGUI))
