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Holders are used to store/handle specific data like energy amount or side config data and provide an interface for networks. Every NetworkedTileEntity has an energyHolder, an itemHolder and a fluidHolder property. To make them functional, you need to override them in your TileEntity implementation. All 3 holders have a common property: The connectionConfig which is used to determine what NetworkConnectionType each BlockFace has. The connection types NONE, INSERT, EXTRACT and BUFFER are available. The BUFFER connection type is used for faces that have both an insert and extract connection. All holder constructors take a lambda to configure the default connection/side config.


Before overriding the energyHolder property, you need to choose the best implementation for your TileEntity.

  • ConsumerEnergyHolder: Used for TileEntities that need and consume energy to operate.
  • ProviderEnergyHolder: Used for TileEntities that generate energy.
  • BufferEnergyHolder: Used for TileEntities that store energy and transfer it to other tileEntities when needed. E.g. power cells.

These all have different constructors. You can open the example box below to see how each one is implemented.

EnergyHolder implementations
override val energyHolder = ConsumerEnergyHolder(
    this, // (1)!
    MAX_ENERGY, // (2)!
    ENERGY_PER_TICK, // (3)!
    null, // (4)!
    upgradeHolder // (5)!
) { createSideConfig(NetworkConnectionType.INSERT, BlockSide.FRONT) } // (6)!
  1. The parent TileEntity that the holder is attached to.
  2. A config reloadable value of the maximum amount of energy that can be stored (See Config for more info). The actual maximum amount is calculated with upgrades.
  3. (optional) Another config reloadable value that stores the amount of energy that is consumed per tick. While this value is not required, it is still recommended to set it since it will automatically calculate the actual energy consumption with upgrades.
  4. (optional) A second energy consumption rate if needed.
  5. (optional) A UpgradeHolder instance. See UpgradeHolder for more info.
  6. A lambda that creates a default side config for the holder. You can use createSideConfig or createExclusiveSideConfig if you have a simple default config. In this case, a config with insert on all sides except the front will be created.
override val energyHolder = ProviderEnergyHolder(
    this, // (1)!
    MAX_ENERGY, // (2)!
    ENERGY_PER_TICK, // (3)!
    upgradeHolder // (4)!
) { createSideConfig(NetworkConnectionType.EXTRACT, FRONT) } // (5)!
  1. The parent TileEntity that the holder is attached to.
  2. A config reloadable value that stores the maximum amount of energy that can be stored (See Config for more info). The actual maximum amount is calculated with upgrades.
  3. (optional) Another config reloadable value that stores the amount of energy that is generated per tick. While this value is not required, it is still recommended to set it since it will automatically calculate the actual energy generation with upgrades.
  4. (optional) A UpgradeHolder instance. See UpgradeHolder for more info.
  5. A lambda that creates a default side config for the holder. You can use createSideConfig or createExclusiveSideConfig if you have a simple default config. In this case, a config with extract on all sides except the front will be created.
override val energyHolder = BufferEnergyHolder(
    this, // (1)!
    MAX_ENERGY, // (2)!
    false // (3)!
) { createSideConfig(BUFFER) } // (4)!
  1. The parent TileEntity that the holder is attached to.
  2. A config reloadable value that stores the maximum amount of energy that can be stored (See Config for more info). The actual maximum amount is calculated with upgrades.
  3. (optional) A boolean value that determines if the holder should provide an infinite amount of energy. Can be used for creative blocks (E.g. a creative power cell).
  4. A lambda that creates a default side config for the holder. You can use createSideConfig or createExclusiveSideConfig if you have a simple default config. In this case, a config with buffer on all sides will be created.



Make sure to read the VirtualInventory page on the InvUI wiki before proceeding!

ItemHolders are used to provide an interface for networks to interact with your TileEntity's inventories. Depending on what your TileEntity does, you may need more than one inventory (For example, a pulverizer with an input and output inventory). Unlike EnergyHolders, ItemHolders only have one default implementation called NovaItemHolder. To create a VirtualInventory use the getInventory functions. For this example, let's create an input and output inventory.

private val inputInv = getInventory("input", 1)
private val outputInv = getInventory("output", 2)

If you want to handle inventory changes, you can pass a lambda or method reference to the getInventory function.

private val inputInv = getInventory("input", 1, ::handleInputUpdate)
// ...
private fun handleInputUpdate(event: ItemUpdateEvent) {
    // ...

Now we can override the itemHolder property.

override val itemHolder = NovaItemHolder(
    this, // (1)!
    inputInv to NetworkConnectionType.BUFFER, // (2)!
    outputInv to NetworkConnectionType.EXTRACT // (3)!
) { createSideConfig(NetworkConnectionType.INSERT, BlockSide.FRONT) } // (4)!
  1. The parent TileEntity that the holder is attached to.
  2. The default inventory. A pair of VirtualInventory and NetworkConnectionType. The first element is the input inventory and the second element is the default connection type.
  3. Vararg of additional inventories.
  4. A lambda that creates a default side config for the holder. You can use createSideConfig or createExclusiveSideConfig if you have a simple default config. In this case, a config with insert on all sides except the front will be created.


Similar to ItemHolders, FluidHolders are used provide an interface for networks to interact with your TileEntity's tanks. But instead of VirtualInventories, they use FluidTanks which you can get from the getFluidContainer function:

private val waterTank = getFluidContainer(
    "water", // (1)!
    setOf(FluidType.WATER), // (2)!
    WATER_CAPACITY, // (3)!
    0 // (4)!
  1. The name of the tank.
  2. The fluid types that can be stored in the tank.
  3. A config reloadable value that stores the maximum amount of fluid that can be stored (See Config for more info).
  4. (optional) The amount of fluid that is initially stored in the tank. Defaults to 0 if omitted.

Again, you can handle changes in the tank by passing a lambda or method reference to the getFluidContainer function. But unlike The ItemHolder you can also pass a UpgradeHolder to the getFluidContainer function.

private val waterTank = getFluidContainer(
// ...
private fun updateWaterLevel() {
    // ...

Now we can override the fluidHolder property.

override val fluidHolder = NovaFluidHolder(
    this, // (1)!
    waterTank to NetworkConnectionType.BUFFER// (2)!
    // You can add additional tanks here // (3) !
) { createSideConfig(NetworkConnectionType.INSERT, BlockSide.FRONT) } // (4)!
  1. The parent TileEntity that the holder is attached to.
  2. The default tank. A pair of FluidTank and NetworkConnectionType. The first element is the input tank and the second element is the default connection type.
  3. Vararg of additional tanks.
  4. A lambda that creates a default side config for the holder. You can use createSideConfig or createExclusiveSideConfig if you have a simple default config. In this case, a config with insert on all sides except the front will be created.

Back to the original Solar Panel

For our solar panel, we only have to override the energyHolder property.

override val energyHolder = ProviderEnergyHolder(this, MAX_ENERGY, ENERGY_PER_TICK, null) {
    createExclusiveSideConfig(NetworkConnectionType.EXTRACT, BlockSide.BOTTOM)

Now that we've got our energyHolder set up, we can start giving it energy. To do that, we just override the handleTick method and check if it's still day time.

override fun handleTick() {
    if(world.time < 13000) += ENERGY_PER_TICK

And that's it! We now have a working solar panel.