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Making your TileEntity upgradeable

In order to make your TileEntity upgradeable, you'll need to implement the Upgradeable interface.
Then, create a UpgradeHolder via getUpgradeHolder and set the allowed upgrade types. After that, you can pass on that upgrade holder to the different energy holders, if you have one.

Calculating upgraded values

While the energy holder automatically changes it's maxEnergy or energyConsumption values, you might want to implement your own logic that is called whenever upgrades change. To do this, override the reload method in your TileEntity (make sure to keep the super call). This method is called when an upgrade is added/removed or the configs are reloaded, which could also affect upgrade modifiers.
Then, retrieve the current upgrade modifier for a certain upgrade type by calling UpgradeHolder#getValue(UpgradeType)

override fun reload() {
    maxIdleTime = (IDLE_TIME / upgradeHolder.getValue(UpgradeType.SPEED)).toInt()
    if (timePassed > maxIdleTime) timePassed = maxIdleTime


Consider calling the reload method in the init block instead of duplicating the calculation code.

Using the Upgrades GUI

The UpgradesGUI can easily be added to your TileEntityGUI by creating an OpenUpgradesItem with your upgradeHolder.

inner class SolarPanelGUI : TileEntityGUI() {

    override val gui: GUI = GUIBuilder(GUIType.NORMAL)
            "1 - - - - - - - 2",
            "| u # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "| # # # e # # # |",
            "3 - - - - - - - 4")
        .addIngredient('e', EnergyBar(3, energyHolder))
        .addIngredient('u', OpenUpgradesItem(upgradeHolder))


Creating a custom Upgrade Type

Time and Place of Registration

Just like nova materials, upgrade types should be registered during addon initialization, i.e. in the init() function of your addon object. We recommend creating a singleton object to house all of your upgrade types:

object UpgradeTypes {

    // we will register upgrade types here later

    fun init() = Unit


Then, call that init function during addon initialization:

object ExampleAddon : Addon() {

    override fun init() {


Now, lets actually register an upgrade type. For that we'll need two ItemNovaMaterials: One for the actual item that is used by players and one for the icon in the GUI, which needs to have an inventory background.

Assuming you have these two items, you can now register your upgrade type:

object UpgradeTypes {

    val MY_UPGRADE_TYPE = UpgradeTypeRegistry.register<Double>(ExampleAddon, "example_upgrade", Items.EXAMPLE_UPGRADE, Items.GUI_EXAMPLE_UPGRADE)

    fun init() = Unit



In the example above, the generic type Double specifies the type that this upgrade provides. Internally, the UpgradeType just casts the configured value from YamlConfiguration#get. This means that your upgrade values could also be of type 'Int', 'String' or any 'ConfigurationSerializable`.

Now that you've registered your upgrade type, you will also need to set default values for it. For that, create a file called upgrade_values.yml in your configs/ directory. Then add your upgrade values to it:

example_upgrade: [ 1.0, 1.9, 2.8, 3.7, 4.6, 5.5, 6.4, 7.3, 8.2, 9.1, 10.0 ]

For more information about the upgrade values format, check out the configuration page on it.