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Item Categories

In order for your items to appear in the /nova items, they need to be in the item_categories.yml file in your addon resources.

File Structure

The structure of the item_categories.yml file is as follows:

example_category: # (1)!
  icon: example_addon:example_item # (2)!
  name: "menu.example_addon.items.category.example_category" # (3)!
  priority: 0 # (4)!
  items: # (5)!
    - example_addon:example_item
    - example_addon:other_item
  1. The id of the category. This can be useful if you want to add items to an existing category, such as misc from Nova or machines, power or crafting from Machines.
  2. The tab icon in the /nova items GUI.
  3. The tab name in the /nova items GUI.
  4. Tabs of categories with a lower priority will be to the left of tabs of categories with a higher priority.
  5. The items that will be listed under that category in the /nova items GUI.

You can register as many item categories as you want.


It is possible to add items to existing categories by just using the same category id. When multiple addons define the same category, the addon loaded first sets the icon, name and priority.