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Creating custom tools

If you're looking to create custom tools, check out the Tool item behavior.

Tool Tiers

Each tool tier maps to a numerical tool level. Those tool levels are then used to determine if a tool tier is good enough to break a block.

Tool Type Level ToolTier (Nova)
No Tool 0 null
Wooden 0 ToolTier.WOOD
Golden 0 ToolTier.GOLDEN
Stone 1 ToolLevel.STONE
Iron 2 ToolLevel.IRON
Diamond 3 ToolLevel.DIAMOND
Netherite 3 ToolLevel.DIAMOND

The numerical values are assigned to the tool levels in the tool_levels.yml config file:

wood: 0
gold: 0
stone: 1
iron: 2
diamond: 3

Registering a custom tool tier

To register a new tool level, simply call ToolTierRegistry#register.
As always, we recommend storing your tool levels as final values in a singleton object:

object ToolTiers {

    val EXAMPLE_TIER = ToolLevelRegistry.register(ExampleAddon, "example_tier")


Then, assign a numerical tool level value to your registered value in the tool_levels.yml config file:

example_tier: 4

The specified level of 4 would give tools of that level the ability to break all blocks that diamond or netherite tools could break + additional custom blocks that have a tool tier that resolves to a tool level of 4 configured in their BlockOptions.

Tool Categories

Tool Categories define what type of tool your item is. They determine which blocks can be broken with which item.
By default, there are six tool categories available:

  • Sword
  • Pickaxe
  • Axe
  • Shovel
  • Hoe
  • Shears

Registering a custom tool category

To register a custom tool category, simply call ToolCategoryRegistry#register.
As always, we recommend storing your tool categories as final values in a singleton object:

object ToolCategories {

    val EXAMPLE_CATEGORY = ToolCategoryRegistry.register(ExampleAddon, "example_category") {
        ResourcePath.of("example_addon", it?.let { "item/${}_example" } ?: "item/example")



The getIcon lambda is required for WAILA to display the proper tool icon. You're given a tool tier and need to return the texture path to the tool icon.

You can then use your new tool category in the BlockOptions of your custom block to make those blocks only breakable with a tool of that category.