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Setting up Nova

Step 1: Plugin Installation

  • Like any other plugin, the Nova plugin jar file downloaded from SpigotMC or our Discord just needs to be put in the plugins/ folder of your server.
  • Start your server and wait until Nova is done loading. (Indicated by the message in the console [Nova] Done loading). This creates config files and directories which you will need to access in the following steps.
  • Stop your server.

Step 2: ResourcePack Hosting

Due to the way custom resource packs work, it is required to upload them to a web server first before they can be sent to players.
You can do this either manually or automatically.

Manual ResourcePack Hosting

For manual resource pack hosting, upload the resource pack found under plugins/Nova/resource_pack/ to a file uploader of your choice. Then set the url to download the resource pack in the main config file plugins/Nova/configs/config.yml under resource_pack.url:



It is important that the url you set here is a direct download link.

Automatic Resource Pack Hosting

You can also use Novas built-in way to automatically upload the resource pack after it changes.
The auto-uploader can be configured in the main config file plugins/Nova/configs/config.yml under resource_pack.auto_upload.

There are currently three main ways to configure the auto-uploader:

Available Upload Services

Patrons are given access to upload to our servers. Due to hosting costs and the potential for abuse, this service is only available to Patrons and not available publicly.

Example config:

    enabled: true
    service: xenondevs
    key: "" # Your Patreon-Uploader Key

If you're able to open a port on your server, this option will make the most sense for you. Nova will automatically start a lightweight web server from which the resource pack can be downloaded.

Example config:

    enabled: true
    service: SelfHost
    port: 12345 # The port on which the server will be running, needs to be open to the Internet.

'host' parameter

You can also set the host of your server using the host parameter. If it is not set, the public ip address of your server gets used. If you are on a local server, you will need to set host:

'append_port' parameter

When setting a host, Nova assumes that the configured port does not need to be appened after the host in the download URL. If this is not the case, set append_port: true.

For more advanced users, Nova can also perform a multipart request to a server of your choice and parse the response using a regex.

A few examples:

PloudOS' resource pack CDN

    enabled: true
    service: CustomMultiPart
    filePartName: pack
    urlRegex: ="(http:\/\/resourcepack\.host\/dl\/[^"]+)"

Simple upload php script

    enabled: true
    service: CustomMultiPart
    filePartName: pack
      key: "" # This key also needs to be set in the php script mentioned above

If you are using Amazon S3, you can use the S3 service to upload the resource pack. You have to expose your S3 bucket to the Internet yourself.

Example config:

    enabled: true
    service: S3
    endpoint: # The endpoint of your S3 service
    region: eu-central-1 # The region of your S3 endpoint
    bucket: examplebucket # The name of your S3 bucket
    key_id: "" # Your S3 key id
    key_secret: "" # Your S3 key secret

If you are using Oraxen on your server, you can configure Nova to use the PolyMath instance configured in Oraxen's config.yml.

Example config:

    enabled: true
    service: Oraxen

Step 3: Installing addons

To install an addon:

  • Stop the server
  • Drag & drop the addon jar file into plugins/Nova/addons/
  • Start the server again

The new resource pack will be automatically generated and uploaded using the configured auto-uploader.


Some addons might require other addons in order to work. If this is the case, an error in the console will notify you of the missing addons: Failed to initialize <Name of the Addon>: Missing addon(s): <Name(s) of the required addon(s) that are missing>

(optional) ResourcePack Merging

This step is only required if your server is already using a custom resource pack.

Due to technical limitations, it is only possible to have one server resource pack. To circumvent this issue, Nova can automatically merge existing resource packs with its own.

Currently, there are two ways to define base packs:

  • Make sure to turn off the resource pack prompt in the config of the plugin providing it
  • Link to the resource pack directory or zip file in the Nova config under resource_pack.base_packs


      - plugins/ItemsAdder/output/


You can add as many base packs as you want.

Note: Before building the resource pack with Nova, make sure that the listed base packs have been properly generated. For example, ItemsAdder requires running /iazip to generate its resource pack.

  • Make sure to turn off the resource pack prompt in the config of the plugin providing it
  • Copy the resource pack directory or zip file to plugins/Nova/resource_pack/base_packs/


    You can add as many base packs as you want.