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The BlockManager allows you to interact with Nova's blocks. You can place/destroy/get drops/etc.

You can get the BlockManager using the previously retrieved Nova instance.

val blockManager = Nova.blockManager
BlockManager blockManager = nova.getBlockManager(); // (1)!
  1. "nova" is the previously retrieved Nova instance, preferably saved in a field/variable.
    You can also call Nova.getNova().getBlockManager()

Getting a BlockState

The BlockManager also allows you to get a BlockState at a specific location.

val blockState = blockManager.getBlock(location) ?: return
NovaBlockState blockState = blockManager.getBlock(location);
if (blockState == null)

You can also check if a block at a specific location is a Nova block via BlockManager.hasBlock(Location)

See BlockState for more information.

Placing a block

You can also place a nova block at a specific location by using a NovaMaterial.


This function will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the provided NovaMaterial is not a block.

val material = materialRegistry.get("machines:pulverizer")
    location, // (1)!
    material, // (2)!
    player, // (3)!
    true // (4)!
  1. The location at which to place the block.
  2. The material to place.
  3. The source of the block placement. This doesn't have to be a player, it can also be a tile-entity or similar.
  4. Whether to play a sound when the block is placed.
NovaMaterial material = materialRegistry.get("machines:pulverizer");
    location, // (1)!
    material, // (2)!
    player, // (3)!
    true // (4)!
  1. The location at which to place the block.
  2. The material to place.
  3. The source of the block placement. This doesn't have to be a player, it can also be a tile-entity or similar.
  4. Whether to play a sound when the block is placed.


The BlockManager.placeBlock function has a few overrides requiring less arguments.

Getting the drops of a block

If you want to get the drops of a block, you can use the BlockManager.getDrops function. Again, there are a few overrides requiring less arguments.


This function will return null if there is no nova block at the provided location.

val drops = blockManager.getDrops(
    location, // (1)!
    player, // (2)!
    tool // (3)!
  1. The location of the block.
  2. The source, again, this doesn't have to be a player, it can also be a tile-entity or similar.
  3. The tool used to break the block.
List<ItemStack> drops = blockManager.getDrops(
    location, // (1)!
    player, // (2)!
    tool // (3)!
  1. The location of the block.
  2. The source, again, this doesn't have to be a player, it can also be a tile-entity or similar.
  3. The tool used to break the block.

Removing a block

You can remove a block at a specific location by using the BlockManager.removeBlock function. The function will return a boolean whether there was a block at the provided location and whether it was removed successfully.

    location, // (1)!
    player, // (2)!
    true, // (3)!
    true // (4)!
  1. The location of the block.
  2. The source, again, this doesn't have to be a player, it can also be a tile-entity or similar.
  3. Whether to play a sound when the block is removed.
  4. Whether break particles should be displayed.
    location, // (1)!
    player, // (2)!
    true, // (3)!
    true // (4)!
  1. The location of the block.
  2. The source, again, this doesn't have to be a player, it can also be a tile-entity or similar.
  3. Whether to play a sound when the block is removed.
  4. Whether break particles should be displayed.