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Configuration Library

Nova uses a modified version of SpongePowered/Configurate, but most of the time you'll be dealing with Nova's ConfigProvider, which helps you with config reloading.


To help with config reloading, Nova offers the Provider class. This class stores a value of a given type and can be delegated to. Providers have an abstract loadValue function that, depending on its implementation, might load something from a config, a CBF Compound, or anything else.
ConfigProviders are automatically reloaded when the config is reloaded. You can also chain value modification calls on a Provider. Those modification steps will then be run every time the config is reloaded.

Some of those modification functions are:

  • map - Maps the value to a new value.
  • orElse - Falls back to a default value if the value is null.
  • flatMap - Performs a flatMap operation for a Provider<List<*>>.
  • flatten - Performs a flattening operation for a Provider<List<List<*>>>.
  • requireNonNull - Throws an exception if the value is null.

Every time such a modification function is called, a new Provider is created and returned. This allows you to create several modified versions from the same Provider.

You might also be interested in these Provider-related top-level functions:

  • provider - Creates a static Provider from a given value.
  • combinedProvider - Creates a Provider<List<T>> from a list of Provider<T>s.
  • lazyProvider - Creates a Provider whose parent is only created lazily using the given initializer lambda.
  • combinedLazyProvider - Creates a Provider<List<T>> from a list of Provider<T>s, where the Provider<T>s are created lazily using the given initializer lambda.
  • lazyProviderWrapper - Creates a Provider that wraps a lazily initialized static value from given initializer lambda.

Adding configs to your addon

In order to add configs to your addon, create a directory called configs in resources. There, you can add all your .yml configs, which will automatically be extracted on startup.
New or changed keys will automatically be added / updated on the server as well, unless they have been modified by an admin.

Accessing configs

To access the configs, retrieve them from Configs.
You can either use their names:

Configs["example:ruby"] // namespace:name (drop the .yml)

Or retrieve the config of a NovaItem or NovaBlock using NovaItem#config and NovaBlock#config.

All of the above ways will result in you obtaining a ConfigProvider, which is a Provider<CommentedConfigurationNode>. Now, you can either retrieve the raw config node using Provider#value, or get a reloadable entry provider using ConfigProvider#entry and ConfigProvider#optionalEntry.

val exampleValue: Int by Configs[Items.RUBY].entry<Int>("example_value") // (1)!
val otherValue: Int? by Configs[Items.RUBY].optionalEntry<Int>("other_value") // (2)!
  1. Delegating to the Provider<Int> will cause this field automatically change every time the config is reloaded.
  2. Using ConfigProvider#optionalEntry, you can get a Provider<Int?>, where the value is null if the key is not present in the config.