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Delta feature

The delta_feature is a 1-block deep sheet of a block randomly surrounded by a block (rim). It's normally used to generate the deltas in the basalt deltas biome.


The following configuration options are available:

Option Type Description
contents A BlockState The block state to use inside of the delta.
rim A BlockState The block state to use for the rim.
size An IntProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0;16]\)) Determines the maximum radius from the center of the current delta.
rim_size An IntProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0;16]\)) Determines the size of the rim.

In code, the DeltaFeatureConfiguration class is used to configure the feature.


As an example, here's the placed and configured feature used to place deltas in the basalt deltas biome.

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object ConfiguredFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val DELTA = registerConfiguredFeature(
            Blocks.LAVA.defaultBlockState(), // contents
            Blocks.MAGMA_BLOCK.defaultBlockState(), // rim
            UniformInt.of(3, 7), // size (1)
            UniformInt.of(0, 2) // rim_size

  1. Random int in the range \([3;7]\).
@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object PlacedFeatures: FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val DELTA = placedFeature("delta", ConfiguredFeatures.DELTA)
        .countOnEveryLayer(40) // (1)!
        .biomeFilter() // (2)!

  1. Spreads the deltas to multiple layers.
  2. Only generate the feature if the center pos hasn't moved to another biome that doesn't have the configured feature.
  "type": "minecraft:delta_feature",
  "config": {
    "contents": {
      "Name": "minecraft:lava",
      "Properties": {
        "level": "0"
    "rim": {
      "Name": "minecraft:magma_block"
    "rim_size": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform", // (1)!
      "value": {
        "max_inclusive": 2,
        "min_inclusive": 0
    "size": {
      "type": "minecraft:uniform",
      "value": {
        "max_inclusive": 7,
        "min_inclusive": 3
  1. Random int in the range \([2;0]\).
  "feature": "minecraft:delta",
  "placement": [
      "type": "minecraft:count_on_every_layer", // (1)!
      "count": 40
      "type": "minecraft:biome" // (2)!
  1. Spreads the deltas to multiple layers.
  2. Only generate the feature if the center pos hasn't moved to another biome that doesn't have the configured feature.

