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Sculk patch feature

The sculk_patch feature allows you to generate sculk patches in the world.


The sculk_patch feature has the following configuration options:

Option Type Description
charge_count An int. (Range limit in Json is \([1;32]\)) The amount of charges the sculk patch should have.
amount_per_charge An int. (Range limit in Json is \([1;500]\)) The initial value of each charge.
spread_attempts An int. (Range limit in Json is \([1;64]\)) The amount of attempts to spread the sculk patch.
growth_rounds An int. (Range limit in Json is \([0;8]\)) The amount of times to generate the patch.
spread_rounds An int. (Range limit in Json is \([0;8]\)) The amount of times to spread the patch.
extra_rare_growths An IntProvider. (Range limit in Json is \([0;8]\)) The amount of extra sculk shriekers to generate.
catalyst_chance A float in the range \([0.0;1.0]\) The chance for a sculk catalyst to generate.

In code, the SculkPatchConfiguration class is used to configure the feature.


As an example, here's the default sculk patch configured- and placed feature used for the deep dark biome

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object ConfiguredFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val SCULK_PATCH_DEEP_DARK = registerConfiguredFeature(
            10, // charge_count
            32, // amount_per_charge
            64, // spread_attempts
            0, // growth_rounds
            1, // spread_rounds
            ConstantInt.of(0), // extra_rare_growths
            0.5f // catalyst_chance

@Init(stage = InitStage.POST_PACK_PRE_WORLD)
object PlacedFeatures : FeatureRegistry by ExampleAddon.registry {

    val SCULK_PATCH_DEEP_DARK = placedFeature("sculk_patch_deep_dark", ConfiguredFeatures.SCULK_PATCH_DEEP_DARK)
        .count(256) // (1)!
        .inSquareSpread() // (2)!
        .inYWorldBounds() // (3)!
        .biomeFilter() // (4)!

  1. 256 attempts to generate sculk patches per chunk.
  2. Randomly offset the attempts horizontally.
  3. Set the y-coordinate to a random value up to 256. The call is equivalent to
    HeightRangePlacement.uniform(VerticalAnchor.bottom(), VerticalAnchor.absolute(256));
  4. Only generate in the deep dark biome.
  "type": "minecraft:sculk_patch",
  "config": {
    "amount_per_charge": 32,
    "catalyst_chance": 0.5,
    "charge_count": 10,
    "extra_rare_growths": 0,
    "growth_rounds": 0,
    "spread_attempts": 64,
    "spread_rounds": 1
  "feature": "minecraft:sculk_patch_deep_dark",
  "placement": [
      "type": "minecraft:count",
      "count": 256 // (1)!
      "type": "minecraft:in_square" // (2)!
      "type": "minecraft:height_range", // (3)!
      "height": {
        "type": "minecraft:uniform",
        "max_inclusive": {
          "absolute": 256
        "min_inclusive": {
          "above_bottom": 0
      "type": "minecraft:biome" // (4)!
  1. 256 attempts to generate sculk patches per chunk.
  2. Randomly offset the attempts horizontally.
  3. Set the y-coordinate to a random value up to 256.
  4. Only generate in the deep dark biome.
